Open source algorithms for image denoising and interpolation.

Image Team, GREYC Lab (UMR CNRS 6072)
6 Bd du Marechal Juin, 14050 Caen Cedex / France.

This project has been superseeded by G'MIC
(GREYC's Magic for Image Computing)

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Image Denoising

The following examples illustrate how the algorithm can be used for image filtering, in order to denoise, simplify or create painting styles from color images. Click on an image thumbnail to enlarge it, and to see the original/filtered images. Some images may look over-smoothed, some may appear not denoised enough. Remember that you can get different results by setting the algorithm parameters in a different way, so that you can smooth more or less, depending on your needs. I am not a professional photographer myself, if you have used GREYCstoration to restore one of your picture and you want to share your GREYCstoration result and settings, please send me the files, I will add them here !

description :Color image denoising. This picture has been took from Flickr (CC license). Author of the shot is Photograham
description :Color image denoising. Author of the original shot is Mike Bing
description : Color image with real CDD noise.
Check out the original size result.
description : Color image with real CDD noise.
description : Color image with real noise. This picture has been took from Flickr (CC license). Author of the shot is BobbyReg.
description : Restoration of a extremely noisy image
description : Restoration of a color photograph.
description : Restoration of a color photograph.
Check out the original size result.
description : Color image with synthetic uniform noise added.
description : Synthetic grayvalued image with uniform noise added.
description :Scan image from a French music disc.
description : Digital color photograph.
description : A scan of an old house.
arguments : -restore maison.png -dt 10 -p 0.7 -a 0.5 -sdt 5.
processing : 2.633 s
description : Feel the penguin power !
description : Cartoon image with a lot of synthetic noise.
description : Color image with few noise.
description :A fingerprint gray-valued image.
description : A scan of the desert in tunisia.
description : A nice painting effect when oversmoothing the image.
description : : A really noisy image of a car.
description : Noisy pig.
description : Very noisy color image.
description : Frame from an old movie.
description : Image oversmoothing can remove textures.
description : Color photograph.
description : Noisy UFO scan.
description : Noisy test image.
description : Noisy digital photograph (non synthetic noise!).
Note : Thank you Christophe Chefd'Hotel for being so noisy :))
description :Color image with salt&pepper + gaussian noise.
description :The algorithm can remove JPG artefacts.
description : Better than the beltrami flow ?? :o)
description : Pyramid image.
description : Restoration of a webcam image
description : Restoration of a noisy disco image
description : Suppressing JPG artefact on the lena image
description : Restoration of a noisy image shot from a PDA
description : Suppressing JPG artefact on a Van Gogh Painting
description : Removing noise from an old image
greycstoration -restore oldface.jpg -alpha 1 -sigma 2 -a 0.3 -p 0.5
description : Creating painting effect from a corail photograh
greycstoration -restore corail.jpg -p 0.3 -sigma 2 -dt 200 -a 1
description : Restoration of a noisy image
description : Denoising of a black and white image
description : Removing noise from a color image
description : Removing noise from a color image
description : Removing JPEG block artefacts on color image

Image Inpainting

Our algorithm can also be used to perform image inpainting. It consists in filling image regions specified by the user (through an inpainting mask image), by non-linear interpolation. This can be used to reconstruct partially coded images, or remove objects in real photographs. Note that our algorithm is not able to reconstruct textures yet (work in progress....). But actually, it succeeds well in reconstructing a coherent image geometry.

description : Inpainting image with a checkboard-shaped mask (8 pixels).
See also : A video of the PDE evolution.
description : Inpainting image with a checkboard-shaped mask (16 pixels).
description : Inpainting image in order to remove text.
See also : A video of the PDE evolution.
description : Inpainting a cage to free a bird.
-sigma 4 -p1 0.001 -dt 150 -init 4 -iter 200 -linear
description : Inpainting image in order to remove subtitles in a movie frame.
description : Image reconstruction, where half of the pixels have been removed.
description : Removing a cage from a color photograph.
description : Removing a cage from a color photograph.

Image Resizing

We also used our algorithm to resize images in a non linear way. Results are presented with the original image at the left, the resized one (with a nearest-point interpolation), and the resized one with our non-linear interpolation algorithm using regularization methods. There are many possible application of coherent resizing, as for instance converting classical TV video for high-resolution movie (HDTV). The resizing method used by GREYCstoration keeps the original color points with their initial value, ensuring that performing a downsampling on the result at the original size gives you back the original image again.

description : Resizing a small 48x48 color logo to 200%.
description : Resizing a 103x103 thumbnail to a 400x400 image.
description : Resizing a 100x67 thumbnail to a 300x300 image.
description : Resizing a 77x105 thumbnail to a 500x500 image.
description : Resizing a small painting to a 400x400 image.
description : Resizing a 171x128 thumbnail to a 400x300 image.
description : Resizing a 50x50 thumbnail of lena to a 256x256 image.
description : Resizing a 348x231 thumbnail to a 800x600 image.
description : Resizing a Roger Rabbit picture to 200%,
and comparisons with classical resizing algorithms.
description : Resizing a small thumbnails by a factor x6.
command :./greycstoration -resize Asterix.png -g 600%x600% -dt 10 -sdt 20.
description : Resizing a part of a larger photo by a factor x5.
command :./greycstoration -resize dada.png -g 500%x500% -p 0.2 -sdt 5 -dt 10.