▼Ncimg_library | Contains all classes and functions of the CImg library |
CCImg | Class representing an image (up to 4 dimensions wide), each pixel being of type T |
CCImgList | Represent a list of images CImg<T> |
CCImgException | Instances of CImgException are thrown when errors are encountered in a CImg function call |
CCImgDisplay | Allow the creation of windows, display images on them and manage user events (keyboard, mouse and windows events) |
Copyrights (C) From october 2004, David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image team.
Copyrights (C) January->September 2004, David Tschumperlé.
Copyrights (C) 2000->2003, David Tschumperlé - INRIA Sophia-Antipolis. Odyssée group.