
Latest stable version: 3.5.0        Current pre-release: 3.5.1 (2025/01/14)


cimg_library::cimg Namespace Reference

Contains low-level functions and variables of the CImg Library. More...


std::FILE * output (std::FILE *file)
 Get/set default output stream for the CImg library messages. More...
void info ()
 Print information about CImg environment variables. More...
template<typename T >
void unused (const T &,...)
 Avoid warning messages due to unused parameters. Do nothing actually.
unsigned int & exception_mode (const unsigned int mode)
 Set current CImg exception mode. More...
unsigned int & exception_mode ()
 Return current CImg exception mode. More...
unsigned int openmp_mode (const unsigned int mode)
 Set current CImg openmp mode. More...
unsigned int openmp_mode ()
 Return current CImg openmp mode.
int dialog (const char *const title, const char *const msg, const char *const button1_label, const char *const button2_label, const char *const button3_label, const char *const button4_label, const char *const button5_label, const char *const button6_label, const bool is_centered)
 Display a simple dialog box, and wait for the user's response [specialization].
double eval (const char *const expression, const double x, const double y, const double z, const double c)
 Evaluate math expression. More...
void warn (const char *const format,...)
 Display a warning message on the default output stream. More...
int system (const char *const command, const char *const module_name=0, const bool is_verbose=false)
template<typename T >
T & temporary (const T &)
 Return a reference to a temporary variable of type T.
template<typename T >
void swap (T &a, T &b)
 Exchange values of variables a and b.
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void swap (T1 &a1, T1 &b1, T2 &a2, T2 &b2)
 Exchange values of variables (a1,a2) and (b1,b2).
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
void swap (T1 &a1, T1 &b1, T2 &a2, T2 &b2, T3 &a3, T3 &b3)
 Exchange values of variables (a1,a2,a3) and (b1,b2,b3).
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
void swap (T1 &a1, T1 &b1, T2 &a2, T2 &b2, T3 &a3, T3 &b3, T4 &a4, T4 &b4)
 Exchange values of variables (a1,a2,...,a4) and (b1,b2,...,b4).
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 >
void swap (T1 &a1, T1 &b1, T2 &a2, T2 &b2, T3 &a3, T3 &b3, T4 &a4, T4 &b4, T5 &a5, T5 &b5)
 Exchange values of variables (a1,a2,...,a5) and (b1,b2,...,b5).
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 >
void swap (T1 &a1, T1 &b1, T2 &a2, T2 &b2, T3 &a3, T3 &b3, T4 &a4, T4 &b4, T5 &a5, T5 &b5, T6 &a6, T6 &b6)
 Exchange values of variables (a1,a2,...,a6) and (b1,b2,...,b6).
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 >
void swap (T1 &a1, T1 &b1, T2 &a2, T2 &b2, T3 &a3, T3 &b3, T4 &a4, T4 &b4, T5 &a5, T5 &b5, T6 &a6, T6 &b6, T7 &a7, T7 &b7)
 Exchange values of variables (a1,a2,...,a7) and (b1,b2,...,b7).
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 >
void swap (T1 &a1, T1 &b1, T2 &a2, T2 &b2, T3 &a3, T3 &b3, T4 &a4, T4 &b4, T5 &a5, T5 &b5, T6 &a6, T6 &b6, T7 &a7, T7 &b7, T8 &a8, T8 &b8)
 Exchange values of variables (a1,a2,...,a8) and (b1,b2,...,b8).
bool endianness ()
 Return the endianness of the current architecture. More...
template<typename T >
void invert_endianness (T *const buffer, const unsigned long size)
 Reverse endianness of all elements in a memory buffer. More...
template<typename T >
T & invert_endianness (T &a)
 Reverse endianness of a single variable. More...
unsigned long long time ()
 Return the value of a system timer, with a millisecond precision. More...
unsigned long long tic ()
 Start tic/toc timer for time measurement between code instructions. More...
unsigned long long toc ()
 End tic/toc timer and displays elapsed time from last call to tic(). More...
void sleep (const unsigned int milliseconds)
 Sleep for a given numbers of milliseconds. More...
unsigned int wait (const unsigned int milliseconds)
 Wait for a given number of milliseconds since the last call to wait(). More...
template<typename T , typename t >
cut (const T &val, const t &val_min, const t &val_max)
 Cut (i.e. clamp) value in specified interval.
template<typename T >
rol (const T &a, const unsigned int n=1)
 Bitwise-rotate value on the left.
template<typename T >
ror (const T &a, const unsigned int n=1)
 Bitwise-rotate value on the right.
template<typename T >
abs (const T &a)
 Return absolute value of a value.
double acosh (const double x)
 Return hyperbolic arcosine of a value.
double asinh (const double x)
 Return hyperbolic arcsine of a value.
double atanh (const double x)
 Return hyperbolic arctangent of a value.
double sinc (const double x)
 Return the sinc of a given value.
double log2 (const double x)
 Return base-2 logarithm of a value.
template<typename T >
sqr (const T &val)
 Return square of a value.
template<typename T >
double cbrt (const T &x)
 Return cubic root of a value.
template<typename t >
min (const t &a, const t &b, const t &c)
 Return the minimum between three values.
template<typename t >
min (const t &a, const t &b, const t &c, const t &d)
 Return the minimum between four values.
template<typename t >
minabs (const t &a, const t &b)
 Return the minabs between two values.
template<typename t >
max (const t &a, const t &b, const t &c)
 Return the maximum between three values.
template<typename t >
max (const t &a, const t &b, const t &c, const t &d)
 Return the maximum between four values.
template<typename t >
maxabs (const t &a, const t &b)
 Return the maxabs between two values.
template<typename T >
sign (const T &x)
 Return the sign of a value.
template<typename T >
unsigned long long nearest_pow2 (const T &x)
 Return the nearest power of 2 higher than given value.
template<typename T >
mod (const T &x, const T &m)
 Return the modulo of a value. More...
template<typename T >
minmod (const T &a, const T &b)
 Return the min-mod of two values. More...
template<typename T >
round (const T &x, const double y, const int rounding_type=0)
 Return rounded value. More...
template<typename T >
hypot (const T x, const T y)
 Return sqrt(x^2 + y^2).
template<typename T >
hypot (const T x, const T y, const T z)
 Return sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2).
double factorial (const int n)
 Return the factorial of n.
double permutations (const int k, const int n, const bool with_order)
 Return the number of permutations of k objects in a set of n objects.
double fibonacci (const int n)
 Calculate fibonacci number.
template<typename T >
gcd (T a, T b)
 Calculate greatest common divisor of two integers.
template<typename T >
lcm (T a, T b)
 Calculate least common multiple of two integers.
char lowercase (const char x)
 Convert character to lower case.
void lowercase (char *const str)
 Convert C-string to lower case.
char uppercase (const char x)
 Convert character to upper case.
void uppercase (char *const str)
 Convert C-string to upper case.
bool is_blank (const char c)
 Return true if input character is blank (space, tab, or non-printable character).
bool is_varname (const char *const str, const unsigned int length=~0U)
 Return true if argument str can be considered as a regular variable name.
double atof (const char *const str)
 Read value in a C-string. More...
int strncasecmp (const char *const str1, const char *const str2, const int length)
 Compare the first length characters of two C-strings, ignoring the case. More...
int strcasecmp (const char *const str1, const char *const str2)
 Compare two C-strings, ignoring the case. More...
char * strellipsize (char *const str, const unsigned int l=64, const bool is_ending=true)
 Ellipsize a string. More...
char * strellipsize (const char *const str, char *const res, const unsigned int l=64, const bool is_ending=true)
 Ellipsize a string. More...
bool strpare (char *const str, const char delimiter, const bool is_symmetric, const bool is_iterative)
 Remove delimiters on the start and/or end of a C-string. More...
bool strpare (char *const str, const bool is_symmetric, const bool is_iterative)
 Remove white spaces on the start and/or end of a C-string.
void strwindows_reserved (char *const str, const char c='_')
 Replace reserved characters (for Windows filename) by another character. More...
void strunescape (char *const str)
 Replace escape sequences in C-strings by character values. More...
const char * basename (const char *const s, const char separator='/')
 Return the basename of a filename.
std::FILE * fopen (const char *const path, const char *const mode)
 Open a file. More...
int fclose (std::FILE *file)
 Close a file. More...
int fseek (FILE *stream, long offset, int origin)
 Version of 'fseek()' that supports >=64bits offsets everywhere (for Windows).
long ftell (FILE *stream)
 Version of 'ftell()' that supports >=64bits offsets everywhere (for Windows).
bool is_directory (const char *const path)
 Check if a path is a directory. More...
bool is_file (const char *const path)
 Check if a path is a file. More...
long long fsize (std::FILE *const file)
 Get file size. More...
template<typename T >
int fdate (const char *const path, T *attr, const unsigned int nb_attr)
 Get last write time of a given file or directory (multiple-attributes version). More...
int fdate (const char *const path, unsigned int attr)
 Get last write time of a given file or directory (single-attribute version). More...
template<typename T >
int date (T *attr, const unsigned int nb_attr)
 Get current local time (multiple-attributes version). More...
int date (unsigned int attr)
 Get current local time (single-attribute version). More...
const char * curl_path (const char *const user_path, const bool reinit_path)
 Search path of an executable. More...
const char * dcraw_path (const char *const user_path, const bool reinit_path)
 Get/set path to the dcraw binary. More...
const char * ffmpeg_path (const char *const user_path, const bool reinit_path)
 Get/set path to the FFMPEG's ffmpeg binary. More...
const char * graphicsmagick_path (const char *const user_path, const bool reinit_path)
 Get/set path to the GraphicsMagick's gm binary. More...
const char * gunzip_path (const char *const user_path, const bool reinit_path)
 Get/set path to the gunzip binary. More...
const char * gzip_path (const char *const user_path, const bool reinit_path)
 Get/set path to the gzip binary. More...
const char * imagemagick_path (const char *const user_path, const bool reinit_path)
 Get/set path to the ImageMagick's convert binary. More...
const char * medcon_path (const char *const user_path, const bool reinit_path)
 Get/set path to the Medcon's medcon binary. More...
const char * temporary_path (const char *const user_path, const bool reinit_path)
 Get/set path to store temporary files. More...
const char * wget_path (const char *const user_path, const bool reinit_path)
 Get/set path to the wget binary. More...
const char * split_filename (const char *const filename, char *const body=0)
 Split filename into two C-strings body and extension. More...
char * number_filename (const char *const filename, const int number, const unsigned int digits, char *const str)
 Generate a numbered version of a filename.
template<typename T >
size_t fread (T *const ptr, const size_t nmemb, std::FILE *stream)
 Read data from file. More...
template<typename T >
size_t fwrite (const T *ptr, const size_t nmemb, std::FILE *stream)
 Write data to file. More...
void fempty (std::FILE *const file, const char *const filename)
 Create an empty file. More...
const char * ftype (std::FILE *const file, const char *const filename)
 Try to guess format from an image file. More...
char * load_network (const char *const url, char *const filename_local, const unsigned int timeout, const bool try_fallback, const char *const referer, const char *const user_agent)
 Load file from network as a local temporary file. More...
const char * option (const char *const name, const int argc, const char *const *const argv, const char *const _default, const char *const usage, const bool reset_static)
 Return options specified on the command line.
CImgList< char > files (const char *const path, const bool is_pattern=false, const unsigned int mode=2, const bool include_path=false)
 Return list of files/directories in specified directory. More...
template<typename t >
int dialog (const char *const title, const char *const msg, const char *const button1_label, const char *const button2_label, const char *const button3_label, const char *const button4_label, const char *const button5_label, const char *const button6_label, const CImg< t > &logo, const bool is_centered=false)
 Display a simple dialog box, and wait for the user's response. More...


const unsigned int keyESC = 1U
 Keycode for the ESC key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF1 = 2U
 Keycode for the F1 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF2 = 3U
 Keycode for the F2 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF3 = 4U
 Keycode for the F3 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF4 = 5U
 Keycode for the F4 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF5 = 6U
 Keycode for the F5 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF6 = 7U
 Keycode for the F6 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF7 = 8U
 Keycode for the F7 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF8 = 9U
 Keycode for the F8 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF9 = 10U
 Keycode for the F9 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF10 = 11U
 Keycode for the F10 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF11 = 12U
 Keycode for the F11 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF12 = 13U
 Keycode for the F12 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAUSE = 14U
 Keycode for the PAUSE key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key1 = 15U
 Keycode for the 1 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key2 = 16U
 Keycode for the 2 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key3 = 17U
 Keycode for the 3 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key4 = 18U
 Keycode for the 4 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key5 = 19U
 Keycode for the 5 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key6 = 20U
 Keycode for the 6 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key7 = 21U
 Keycode for the 7 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key8 = 22U
 Keycode for the 8 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key9 = 23U
 Keycode for the 9 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int key0 = 24U
 Keycode for the 0 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyBACKSPACE = 25U
 Keycode for the BACKSPACE key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyINSERT = 26U
 Keycode for the INSERT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyHOME = 27U
 Keycode for the HOME key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAGEUP = 28U
 Keycode for the PAGEUP key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyTAB = 29U
 Keycode for the TAB key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyQ = 30U
 Keycode for the Q key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyW = 31U
 Keycode for the W key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyE = 32U
 Keycode for the E key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyR = 33U
 Keycode for the R key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyT = 34U
 Keycode for the T key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyY = 35U
 Keycode for the Y key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyU = 36U
 Keycode for the U key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyI = 37U
 Keycode for the I key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyO = 38U
 Keycode for the O key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyP = 39U
 Keycode for the P key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyDELETE = 40U
 Keycode for the DELETE key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyEND = 41U
 Keycode for the END key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAGEDOWN = 42U
 Keycode for the PAGEDOWN key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyCAPSLOCK = 43U
 Keycode for the CAPSLOCK key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyA = 44U
 Keycode for the A key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyS = 45U
 Keycode for the S key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyD = 46U
 Keycode for the D key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyF = 47U
 Keycode for the F key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyG = 48U
 Keycode for the G key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyH = 49U
 Keycode for the H key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyJ = 50U
 Keycode for the J key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyK = 51U
 Keycode for the K key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyL = 52U
 Keycode for the L key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyENTER = 53U
 Keycode for the ENTER key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keySHIFTLEFT = 54U
 Keycode for the SHIFTLEFT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyZ = 55U
 Keycode for the Z key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyX = 56U
 Keycode for the X key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyC = 57U
 Keycode for the C key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyV = 58U
 Keycode for the V key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyB = 59U
 Keycode for the B key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyN = 60U
 Keycode for the N key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyM = 61U
 Keycode for the M key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keySHIFTRIGHT = 62U
 Keycode for the SHIFTRIGHT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyARROWUP = 63U
 Keycode for the ARROWUP key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyCTRLLEFT = 64U
 Keycode for the CTRLLEFT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyAPPLEFT = 65U
 Keycode for the APPLEFT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyALT = 66U
 Keycode for the ALT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keySPACE = 67U
 Keycode for the SPACE key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyALTGR = 68U
 Keycode for the ALTGR key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyAPPRIGHT = 69U
 Keycode for the APPRIGHT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyMENU = 70U
 Keycode for the MENU key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyCTRLRIGHT = 71U
 Keycode for the CTRLRIGHT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyARROWLEFT = 72U
 Keycode for the ARROWLEFT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyARROWDOWN = 73U
 Keycode for the ARROWDOWN key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyARROWRIGHT = 74U
 Keycode for the ARROWRIGHT key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD0 = 75U
 Keycode for the PAD0 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD1 = 76U
 Keycode for the PAD1 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD2 = 77U
 Keycode for the PAD2 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD3 = 78U
 Keycode for the PAD3 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD4 = 79U
 Keycode for the PAD4 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD5 = 80U
 Keycode for the PAD5 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD6 = 81U
 Keycode for the PAD6 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD7 = 82U
 Keycode for the PAD7 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD8 = 83U
 Keycode for the PAD8 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPAD9 = 84U
 Keycode for the PAD9 key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPADADD = 85U
 Keycode for the PADADD key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPADSUB = 86U
 Keycode for the PADSUB key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPADMUL = 87U
 Keycode for the PADMUL key (architecture-dependent)
const unsigned int keyPADDIV = 88U
 Keycode for the PADDDIV key (architecture-dependent)
const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846
 Value of the mathematical constant PI.

Detailed Description

Contains low-level functions and variables of the CImg Library.

Most of the functions and variables within this namespace are used by the CImg library for low-level operations. You may use them to access specific const values or environment variables internally used by CImg.

Never write using namespace cimg_library::cimg; in your source code. Lot of functions in the cimg:: namespace have the same names as standard C functions that may be defined in the global namespace ::.

Function Documentation

◆ output()

std::FILE * output ( std::FILE *  file)

Get/set default output stream for the CImg library messages.

fileDesired output stream. Set to 0 to get the currently used output stream only.
Currently used output stream.

◆ info()

void info ( )

Print information about CImg environment variables.

Output is done on the default output stream.

◆ exception_mode() [1/2]

unsigned int& cimg_library::cimg::exception_mode ( const unsigned int  mode)

Set current CImg exception mode.

The way error messages are handled by CImg can be changed dynamically, using this function.

modeDesired exception mode. Possible values are:
  • 0: Hide library messages (quiet mode).
  • 1: Print library messages on the console.
  • 2: Display library messages on a dialog window.
  • 3: Do as 1 + add extra debug warnings (slow down the code!).
  • 4: Do as 2 + add extra debug warnings (slow down the code!).

◆ exception_mode() [2/2]

unsigned int& cimg_library::cimg::exception_mode ( )

Return current CImg exception mode.

By default, return the value of configuration macro cimg_verbosity

◆ openmp_mode()

unsigned int cimg_library::cimg::openmp_mode ( const unsigned int  mode)

Set current CImg openmp mode.

The way openmp-based methods are handled by CImg can be changed dynamically, using this function.

modeDesired openmp mode. Possible values are:
  • 0: Never parallelize.
  • 1: Always parallelize.
  • 2: Adaptive parallelization mode (default behavior).

◆ eval()

double eval ( const char *const  expression,
const double  x,
const double  y,
const double  z,
const double  c 

Evaluate math expression.

expressionC-string describing the formula to evaluate.
xValue of the pre-defined variable x.
yValue of the pre-defined variable y.
zValue of the pre-defined variable z.
cValue of the pre-defined variable c.
Result of the formula evaluation.
Set expression to 0 to keep evaluating the last specified expression.
const double
res1 = cimg::eval("cos(x)^2 + sin(y)^2",2,2), // will return '1'
res2 = cimg::eval(0,1,1); // will return '1' too
double eval(const char *const expression, const double x=0, const double y=0, const double z=0, const double c=0)
Evaluate math expression.
Definition: CImg.h:68999

◆ warn()

void cimg_library::cimg::warn ( const char *const  format,

Display a warning message on the default output stream.

formatC-string containing the format of the message, as with std::printf().
If configuration macro cimg_strict_warnings is set, this function throws a CImgWarningException instead.
As the first argument is a format string, it is highly recommended to write
void warn(const char *const format,...)
Display a warning message on the default output stream.
Definition: CImg.h:5772
instead of
if warning_message can be arbitrary, to prevent nasty memory access.

◆ system()

int cimg_library::cimg::system ( const char *const  command,
const char *const  module_name = 0,
const bool  is_verbose = false 
commandC-string containing the command line to execute.
module_nameModule name.
Status value of the executed command, whose meaning is OS-dependent.
This function is similar to std::system() but it does not open an extra console windows on Windows-based systems.

◆ endianness()

bool cimg_library::cimg::endianness ( )

Return the endianness of the current architecture.

false for Little Endian or true for Big Endian.

◆ invert_endianness() [1/2]

void cimg_library::cimg::invert_endianness ( T *const  buffer,
const unsigned long  size 

Reverse endianness of all elements in a memory buffer.

[in,out]bufferMemory buffer whose endianness must be reversed.
sizeNumber of buffer elements to reverse.

◆ invert_endianness() [2/2]

T& cimg_library::cimg::invert_endianness ( T &  a)

Reverse endianness of a single variable.

[in,out]aVariable to reverse.
Reference to reversed variable.

◆ time()

unsigned long long cimg_library::cimg::time ( )

Return the value of a system timer, with a millisecond precision.

The timer does not necessarily starts from 0.

◆ tic()

unsigned long long cimg_library::cimg::tic ( )

Start tic/toc timer for time measurement between code instructions.

Current value of the timer (same value as time()).

◆ toc()

unsigned long long cimg_library::cimg::toc ( )

End tic/toc timer and displays elapsed time from last call to tic().

Time elapsed (in ms) since last call to tic().

◆ sleep()

void cimg_library::cimg::sleep ( const unsigned int  milliseconds)

Sleep for a given numbers of milliseconds.

millisecondsNumber of milliseconds to wait for.
This function frees the CPU resources during the sleeping time. It can be used to temporize your program properly, without wasting CPU time.

◆ wait()

unsigned int cimg_library::cimg::wait ( const unsigned int  milliseconds)

Wait for a given number of milliseconds since the last call to wait().

millisecondsNumber of milliseconds to wait for.
Number of milliseconds elapsed since the last call to wait().
Same as sleep() with a waiting time computed with regard to the last call of wait(). It may be used to temporize your program properly, without wasting CPU time.

◆ mod()

T cimg_library::cimg::mod ( const T &  x,
const T &  m 

Return the modulo of a value.

xInput value.
mModulo value.
This modulo function accepts negative and floating-points modulo numbers, as well as variables of any type.

◆ minmod()

T cimg_library::cimg::minmod ( const T &  a,
const T &  b 

Return the min-mod of two values.

minmod(a,b) is defined to be:
  • minmod(a,b) = min(a,b), if a and b have the same sign.
  • minmod(a,b) = 0, if a and b have different signs.

◆ round()

T cimg_library::cimg::round ( const T &  x,
const double  y,
const int  rounding_type = 0 

Return rounded value.

xValue to be rounded.
yRounding precision.
rounding_typeType of rounding operation (0 = nearest, -1 = backward, 1 = forward).
Rounded value, having the same type as input value x.

◆ atof()

double cimg_library::cimg::atof ( const char *const  str)

Read value in a C-string.

strC-string containing the float value to read.
Read value.
Same as std::atof() extended to manage the retrieval of fractions from C-strings, as in "1/2".

◆ strncasecmp()

int cimg_library::cimg::strncasecmp ( const char *const  str1,
const char *const  str2,
const int  length 

Compare the first length characters of two C-strings, ignoring the case.

lengthNumber of characters to compare.
0 if the two strings are equal, something else otherwise.
This function has to be defined since it is not provided by all C++-compilers (not ANSI).

◆ strcasecmp()

int cimg_library::cimg::strcasecmp ( const char *const  str1,
const char *const  str2 

Compare two C-strings, ignoring the case.

0 if the two strings are equal, something else otherwise.
This function has to be defined since it is not provided by all C++-compilers (not ANSI).

◆ strellipsize() [1/2]

char* cimg_library::cimg::strellipsize ( char *const  str,
const unsigned int  l = 64,
const bool  is_ending = true 

Ellipsize a string.

lMax number of printed characters.
is_endingTell if the dots are placed at the end or at the center of the ellipsized string.

◆ strellipsize() [2/2]

char* cimg_library::cimg::strellipsize ( const char *const  str,
char *const  res,
const unsigned int  l = 64,
const bool  is_ending = true 

Ellipsize a string.

resoutput C-string.
lMax number of printed characters. String 'res' must be a size of at least 'l+1'.
is_endingTell if the dots are placed at the end or at the center of the ellipsized string.

◆ strpare()

bool cimg_library::cimg::strpare ( char *const  str,
const char  delimiter,
const bool  is_symmetric,
const bool  is_iterative 

Remove delimiters on the start and/or end of a C-string.

[in,out]strC-string to work with (modified at output).
delimiterDelimiter character code to remove.
is_symmetricTells if the removal is done only if delimiters are symmetric (both at the beginning and the end of s).
is_iterativeTells if the removal is done if several iterations are possible.
true if delimiters have been removed, false otherwise.

◆ strwindows_reserved()

void cimg_library::cimg::strwindows_reserved ( char *const  str,
const char  c = '_' 

Replace reserved characters (for Windows filename) by another character.

[in,out]strC-string to work with (modified at output).
[in]cReplacement character.

◆ strunescape()

void cimg_library::cimg::strunescape ( char *const  str)

Replace escape sequences in C-strings by character values.

[in,out]strC-string to work with (modified at output).

◆ fopen()

std::FILE* cimg_library::cimg::fopen ( const char *const  path,
const char *const  mode 

Open a file.

pathPath of the filename to open.
modeC-string describing the opening mode.
Opened file.
Same as std::fopen() but throw a CImgIOException when the specified file cannot be opened, instead of returning 0.

◆ fclose()

int cimg_library::cimg::fclose ( std::FILE *  file)

Close a file.

fileFile to close.
0 if file has been closed properly, something else otherwise.
Same as std::fclose() but display a warning message if the file has not been closed properly.

◆ is_directory()

bool cimg_library::cimg::is_directory ( const char *const  path)

Check if a path is a directory.

pathSpecified path to test.

◆ is_file()

bool cimg_library::cimg::is_file ( const char *const  path)

Check if a path is a file.

pathSpecified path to test.

◆ fsize()

long long cimg_library::cimg::fsize ( std::FILE *const  file)

Get file size.

filenameSpecified filename to get size from.
File size or '-1' if file does not exist.

◆ fdate() [1/2]

int cimg_library::cimg::fdate ( const char *const  path,
T *  attr,
const unsigned int  nb_attr 

Get last write time of a given file or directory (multiple-attributes version).

pathSpecified path to get attributes from.
[in,out]attrType of requested time attributes. Can be { 0=year | 1=month | 2=day | 3=day of week | 4=hour | 5=minute | 6=second } Replaced by read attributes after return (or -1 if an error occurred).
nb_attrNumber of attributes to read/write.
Latest read attribute.

◆ fdate() [2/2]

int cimg_library::cimg::fdate ( const char *const  path,
unsigned int  attr 

Get last write time of a given file or directory (single-attribute version).

pathSpecified path to get attributes from.
attrType of requested time attributes. Can be { 0=year | 1=month | 2=day | 3=day of week | 4=hour | 5=minute | 6=second }
Specified attribute or -1 if an error occurred.

◆ date() [1/2]

int cimg_library::cimg::date ( T *  attr,
const unsigned int  nb_attr 

Get current local time (multiple-attributes version).

[in,out]attrType of requested time attributes. Can be { 0=year | 1=month | 2=day | 3=day of week | 4=hour | 5=minute | 6=second | 7=millisecond } Replaced by read attributes after return (or -1 if an error occurred).
nb_attrNumber of attributes to read/write.
Latest read attribute.

◆ date() [2/2]

int cimg_library::cimg::date ( unsigned int  attr)

Get current local time (single-attribute version).

attrType of requested time attribute. Can be { 0=year | 1=month | 2=day | 3=day of week | 4=hour | 5=minute | 6=second | 7=millisecond }
Specified attribute or -1 if an error occurred.

◆ curl_path()

const char * curl_path ( const char *const  user_path,
const bool  reinit_path 

Search path of an executable.

Get the file or directory attributes with support for UTF-8 paths (Windows only). Get/set path to the Program Files/ directory (Windows only).

user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path containing the program files. Get/set path to the curl binary.
user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path containing the curl binary.

◆ dcraw_path()

const char * dcraw_path ( const char *const  user_path,
const bool  reinit_path 

Get/set path to the dcraw binary.

user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path containing the dcraw binary.

◆ ffmpeg_path()

const char * ffmpeg_path ( const char *const  user_path,
const bool  reinit_path 

Get/set path to the FFMPEG's ffmpeg binary.

user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path containing the ffmpeg binary.

◆ graphicsmagick_path()

const char * graphicsmagick_path ( const char *const  user_path,
const bool  reinit_path 

Get/set path to the GraphicsMagick's gm binary.

user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path containing the gm binary.

◆ gunzip_path()

const char * gunzip_path ( const char *const  user_path,
const bool  reinit_path 

Get/set path to the gunzip binary.

user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path containing the gunzip binary.

◆ gzip_path()

const char * gzip_path ( const char *const  user_path,
const bool  reinit_path 

Get/set path to the gzip binary.

user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path containing the gzip binary.

◆ imagemagick_path()

const char * imagemagick_path ( const char *const  user_path,
const bool  reinit_path 

Get/set path to the ImageMagick's convert binary.

user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path containing the convert binary.

◆ medcon_path()

const char * medcon_path ( const char *const  user_path,
const bool  reinit_path 

Get/set path to the Medcon's medcon binary.

user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path containing the medcon binary.

◆ temporary_path()

const char * temporary_path ( const char *const  user_path,
const bool  reinit_path 

Get/set path to store temporary files.

user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path where temporary files can be saved.

◆ wget_path()

const char * wget_path ( const char *const  user_path,
const bool  reinit_path 

Get/set path to the wget binary.

user_pathSpecified path, or 0 to get the path currently used.
reinit_pathForce path to be recalculated (may take some time).
Path containing the wget binary.

◆ split_filename()

const char* cimg_library::cimg::split_filename ( const char *const  filename,
char *const  body = 0 

Split filename into two C-strings body and extension.

filename and body must not overlap!

◆ fread()

size_t cimg_library::cimg::fread ( T *const  ptr,
const size_t  nmemb,
std::FILE *  stream 

Read data from file.

[out]ptrPointer to memory buffer that will contain the binary data read from file.
nmembNumber of elements to read.
streamFile to read data from.
Number of read elements.
Same as std::fread() but may display warning message if all elements could not be read.

◆ fwrite()

size_t cimg_library::cimg::fwrite ( const T *  ptr,
const size_t  nmemb,
std::FILE *  stream 

Write data to file.

ptrPointer to memory buffer containing the binary data to write on file.
nmembNumber of elements to write.
[out]streamFile to write data on.
Number of written elements.
Similar to std::fwrite but may display warning messages if all elements could not be written.

◆ fempty()

void cimg_library::cimg::fempty ( std::FILE *const  file,
const char *const  filename 

Create an empty file.

fileInput file (can be 0 if filename is set).
filenameFilename, as a C-string (can be 0 if file is set).

◆ ftype()

const char * ftype ( std::FILE *const  file,
const char *const  filename 

Try to guess format from an image file.

fileInput file (can be 0 if filename is set).
filenameFilename, as a C-string (can be 0 if file is set).
C-string containing the guessed file format, or 0 if nothing has been guessed.

◆ load_network()

char * load_network ( const char *const  url,
char *const  filename_local,
const unsigned int  timeout,
const bool  try_fallback,
const char *const  referer,
const char *const  user_agent 

Load file from network as a local temporary file.

urlURL of the filename, as a C-string.
[out]filename_localC-string containing the path to a local copy of filename.
timeoutMaximum time (in seconds) authorized for downloading the file from the URL.
try_fallbackWhen using libcurl, tells using system calls as fallbacks in case of libcurl failure.
refererReferer used, as a C-string.
user_agentUser agent used, as a C-string.
Value of filename_local.
Use the libcurl library, or the external binaries wget or curl to perform the download.

◆ files()

CImgList<char> cimg_library::cimg::files ( const char *const  path,
const bool  is_pattern = false,
const unsigned int  mode = 2,
const bool  include_path = false 

Return list of files/directories in specified directory.

pathPath to the directory. Set to 0 for current directory.
is_patternTell if specified path has a matching pattern in it.
modeOutput type, can be primary { 0=files only | 1=folders only | 2=files + folders }.
include_pathTell if path must be included in resulting filenames.
A list of filenames.

◆ dialog()

int cimg_library::cimg::dialog ( const char *const  title,
const char *const  msg,
const char *const  button1_label,
const char *const  button2_label,
const char *const  button3_label,
const char *const  button4_label,
const char *const  button5_label,
const char *const  button6_label,
const CImg< t > &  logo,
const bool  is_centered = false 

Display a simple dialog box, and wait for the user's response.

titleTitle of the dialog window.
msgMain message displayed inside the dialog window.
button1_labelLabel of the 1st button.
button2_labelLabel of the 2nd button (0 to hide button).
button3_labelLabel of the 3rd button (0 to hide button).
button4_labelLabel of the 4th button (0 to hide button).
button5_labelLabel of the 5th button (0 to hide button).
button6_labelLabel of the 6th button (0 to hide button).
logoImage logo displayed at the left of the main message.
is_centeredTells if the dialog window must be centered on the screen.
Index of clicked button (from 0 to 5), or -1 if the dialog window has been closed by the user.
  • Up to 6 buttons can be defined in the dialog window.
  • The function returns when a user clicked one of the button or closed the dialog window.
  • If a button text is set to 0, the corresponding button (and the following) will not appear in the dialog box. At least one button must be specified.

Copyrights (C) From october 2004, David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image team.
Copyrights (C) January->September 2004, David Tschumperlé.
Copyrights (C) 2000->2003, David Tschumperlé - INRIA Sophia-Antipolis. Odyssée group.