
Latest stable version: 3.5.1        Current pre-release: 3.5.2 (2025/01/28)


CImgDisplay Struct Reference

Allow the creation of windows, display images on them and manage user events (keyboard, mouse and windows events). More...

Constructors / Destructor / Instance Management

 ~CImgDisplay ()
 Destructor. More...
 CImgDisplay ()
 Construct an empty display. More...
 CImgDisplay (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const char *const title=0, const unsigned int normalization=3, const bool is_fullscreen=false, const bool is_closed=false)
 Construct a display with specified dimensions. More...
template<typename T >
 CImgDisplay (const CImg< T > &img, const char *const title=0, const unsigned int normalization=3, const bool is_fullscreen=false, const bool is_closed=false)
 Construct a display from an image. More...
template<typename T >
 CImgDisplay (const CImgList< T > &list, const char *const title=0, const unsigned int normalization=3, const bool is_fullscreen=false, const bool is_closed=false)
 Construct a display from an image list. More...
 CImgDisplay (const CImgDisplay &disp)
 Construct a display as a copy of an existing one. More...
CImgDisplayassign ()
 Destructor - Empty constructor [in-place version]. More...
CImgDisplayassign (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const char *const title=0, const unsigned int normalization=3, const bool is_fullscreen=false, const bool is_closed=false)
 Construct a display with specified dimensions [in-place version].
template<typename T >
CImgDisplayassign (const CImg< T > &img, const char *const title=0, const unsigned int normalization=3, const bool is_fullscreen=false, const bool is_closed=false)
 Construct a display from an image [in-place version].
template<typename T >
CImgDisplayassign (const CImgList< T > &list, const char *const title=0, const unsigned int normalization=3, const bool is_fullscreen=false, const bool is_closed=false)
 Construct a display from an image list [in-place version].
CImgDisplayassign (const CImgDisplay &disp)
 Construct a display as a copy of another one [in-place version].
template<typename T >
static void screenshot (CImg< T > &img)
 Take a screenshot. More...
static CImgDisplayempty ()
 Return a reference to an empty display. More...
static const CImgDisplayconst_empty ()
 Return a reference to an empty display [const version].

Overloaded Operators

template<typename t >
CImgDisplayoperator= (const CImg< t > &img)
 Display image on associated window. More...
template<typename t >
CImgDisplayoperator= (const CImgList< t > &list)
 Display list of images on associated window. More...
CImgDisplayoperator= (const CImgDisplay &disp)
 Construct a display as a copy of another one [in-place version]. More...
 operator bool () const
 Return false if display is empty, true otherwise. More...

Instance Checking

bool is_empty () const
 Return true if display is empty, false otherwise.
bool is_closed () const
 Return true if display is closed (i.e. not visible on the screen), false otherwise. More...
bool is_visible () const
 Return true if display is visible (i.e. not closed by the user), false otherwise.
bool is_resized () const
 Return true if associated window has been resized on the screen, false otherwise.
bool is_moved () const
 Return true if associated window has been moved on the screen, false otherwise.
bool is_event () const
 Return true if any event has occurred on the associated window, false otherwise.
bool is_fullscreen () const
 Return true if current display is in fullscreen mode, false otherwise.
bool is_key () const
 Return true if any key is being pressed on the associated window, false otherwise. More...
bool is_key (const unsigned int keycode) const
 Return true if key specified by given keycode is being pressed on the associated window, false otherwise. More...
bool & is_key (const char *const keycode)
 Return true if key specified by given keycode is being pressed on the associated window, false otherwise. More...
bool is_key_sequence (const unsigned int *const keycodes_sequence, const unsigned int length, const bool remove_sequence=false)
 Return true if specified key sequence has been typed on the associated window, false otherwise. More...
bool is_keyESC () const
 Return true if the ESC key is being pressed on the associated window, false otherwise. More...
bool is_keyF1 () const
bool is_keyF2 () const
bool is_keyF3 () const
bool is_keyF4 () const
bool is_keyF5 () const
bool is_keyF6 () const
bool is_keyF7 () const
bool is_keyF8 () const
bool is_keyF9 () const
bool is_keyF10 () const
bool is_keyF11 () const
bool is_keyF12 () const
bool is_keyPAUSE () const
bool is_key1 () const
bool is_key2 () const
bool is_key3 () const
bool is_key4 () const
bool is_key5 () const
bool is_key6 () const
bool is_key7 () const
bool is_key8 () const
bool is_key9 () const
bool is_key0 () const
bool is_keyBACKSPACE () const
bool is_keyINSERT () const
bool is_keyHOME () const
bool is_keyPAGEUP () const
bool is_keyTAB () const
bool is_keyQ () const
bool is_keyW () const
bool is_keyE () const
bool is_keyR () const
bool is_keyT () const
bool is_keyY () const
bool is_keyU () const
bool is_keyI () const
bool is_keyO () const
bool is_keyP () const
bool is_keyDELETE () const
bool is_keyEND () const
bool is_keyPAGEDOWN () const
bool is_keyCAPSLOCK () const
bool is_keyA () const
bool is_keyS () const
bool is_keyD () const
bool is_keyF () const
bool is_keyG () const
bool is_keyH () const
bool is_keyJ () const
bool is_keyK () const
bool is_keyL () const
bool is_keyENTER () const
bool is_keySHIFTLEFT () const
bool is_keyZ () const
bool is_keyX () const
bool is_keyC () const
bool is_keyV () const
bool is_keyB () const
bool is_keyN () const
bool is_keyM () const
bool is_keySHIFTRIGHT () const
bool is_keyARROWUP () const
bool is_keyCTRLLEFT () const
bool is_keyAPPLEFT () const
bool is_keyALT () const
bool is_keySPACE () const
bool is_keyALTGR () const
bool is_keyAPPRIGHT () const
bool is_keyMENU () const
bool is_keyCTRLRIGHT () const
bool is_keyARROWLEFT () const
bool is_keyARROWDOWN () const
bool is_keyARROWRIGHT () const
bool is_keyPAD0 () const
bool is_keyPAD1 () const
bool is_keyPAD2 () const
bool is_keyPAD3 () const
bool is_keyPAD4 () const
bool is_keyPAD5 () const
bool is_keyPAD6 () const
bool is_keyPAD7 () const
bool is_keyPAD8 () const
bool is_keyPAD9 () const
bool is_keyPADADD () const
bool is_keyPADSUB () const
bool is_keyPADMUL () const
bool is_keyPADDIV () const

Instance Characteristics

int width () const
 Return display width. More...
int height () const
 Return display height. More...
unsigned int normalization () const
 Return normalization type of the display. More...
const char * title () const
 Return title of the associated window as a C-string. More...
int window_width () const
 Return width of the associated window. More...
int window_height () const
 Return height of the associated window. More...
int window_x () const
 Return X-coordinate of the associated window. More...
int window_y () const
 Return Y-coordinate of the associated window. More...
int mouse_x () const
 Return X-coordinate of the mouse pointer. More...
int mouse_y () const
 Return Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer. More...
unsigned int button () const
 Return current state of the mouse buttons. More...
int wheel () const
 Return current state of the mouse wheel. More...
unsigned int & key (const unsigned int pos=0) const
 Return one entry from the pressed keys history. More...
unsigned int & released_key (const unsigned int pos=0) const
 Return one entry from the released keys history. More...
float frames_per_second ()
 Return the current refresh rate, in frames per second. More...
CImgDisplaymove_inside_screen ()
static int screen_width ()
 Return width of the screen (current resolution along the X-axis).
static int screen_height ()
 Return height of the screen (current resolution along the Y-axis).
static unsigned int keycode (const char *const keycode)
 Return keycode corresponding to the specified string. More...

Window Manipulation

template<typename T >
CImgDisplaydisplay (const CImg< T > &img)
 Display image on associated window. More...
template<typename T >
CImgDisplaydisplay (const CImgList< T > &list, const char axis='x', const float align=0)
 Display list of images on associated window. More...
CImgDisplayshow ()
 Show (closed) associated window on the screen. More...
CImgDisplayclose ()
 Close (visible) associated window and make it disappear from the screen. More...
CImgDisplaymove (const int pos_x, const int pos_y)
 Move associated window to a new location. More...
CImgDisplayresize (const bool force_redraw=true)
 Resize display to the size of the associated window. More...
CImgDisplayresize (const int width, const int height, const bool force_redraw=true)
 Resize display to the specified size. More...
template<typename T >
CImgDisplayresize (const CImg< T > &img, const bool force_redraw=true)
 Resize display to the size of an input image. More...
CImgDisplayresize (const CImgDisplay &disp, const bool force_redraw=true)
 Resize display to the size of another CImgDisplay instance. More...
CImgDisplayset_normalization (const unsigned int normalization)
 Set normalization type. More...
CImgDisplayset_title (const char *const format,...)
 Set title of the associated window. More...
CImgDisplayset_fullscreen (const bool is_fullscreen, const bool force_redraw=true)
 Enable or disable fullscreen mode. More...
CImgDisplaytoggle_fullscreen (const bool force_redraw=true)
 Toggle fullscreen mode. More...
CImgDisplayshow_mouse ()
 Show mouse pointer. More...
CImgDisplayhide_mouse ()
 Hide mouse pointer. More...
CImgDisplayset_mouse (const int pos_x, const int pos_y)
 Move mouse pointer to a specified location. More...
CImgDisplayset_button ()
 Simulate a mouse button release event. More...
CImgDisplayset_button (const unsigned int button, const bool is_pressed=true)
 Simulate a mouse button press or release event. More...
CImgDisplayset_wheel ()
 Flush all mouse wheel events. More...
CImgDisplayset_wheel (const int amplitude)
 Simulate a wheel event. More...
CImgDisplayset_key ()
 Flush all key events. More...
CImgDisplayset_key (const unsigned int keycode, const bool is_pressed=true)
 Simulate a keyboard press/release event. More...
CImgDisplayflush ()
 Flush all display events. More...
CImgDisplaywait ()
 Wait for any user event occurring on the current display.
CImgDisplaywait (const unsigned int milliseconds)
 Wait for a given number of milliseconds since the last call to wait(). More...
template<typename T >
CImgDisplayrender (const CImg< T > &img)
 Render image into internal display buffer. More...
CImgDisplaypaint ()
 Paint internal display buffer on associated window. More...
template<typename T >
const CImgDisplaysnapshot (CImg< T > &img) const
 Take a snapshot of the associated window content. More...
static void wait (CImgDisplay &disp1)
 Wait for any event occurring on the display disp1.
static void wait (CImgDisplay &disp1, CImgDisplay &disp2)
 Wait for any event occurring either on the display disp1 or disp2.
static void wait (CImgDisplay &disp1, CImgDisplay &disp2, CImgDisplay &disp3)
 Wait for any event occurring either on the display disp1, disp2 or disp3.
static void wait (CImgDisplay &disp1, CImgDisplay &disp2, CImgDisplay &disp3, CImgDisplay &disp4)
 Wait for any event occurring either on the display disp1, disp2, disp3 or disp4.
static void wait (CImgDisplay &disp1, CImgDisplay &disp2, CImgDisplay &disp3, CImgDisplay &disp4, CImgDisplay &disp5)
 Wait for any event occurring either on the display disp1, disp2, disp3, disp4 or disp5.
static void wait (CImgDisplay &disp1, CImgDisplay &disp2, CImgDisplay &disp3, CImgDisplay &disp4, CImgDisplay &disp5, CImgDisplay &disp6)
 Wait for any event occurring either on the display disp1, disp2, disp3, disp4, ... disp6.
static void wait (CImgDisplay &disp1, CImgDisplay &disp2, CImgDisplay &disp3, CImgDisplay &disp4, CImgDisplay &disp5, CImgDisplay &disp6, CImgDisplay &disp7)
 Wait for any event occurring either on the display disp1, disp2, disp3, disp4, ... disp7.
static void wait (CImgDisplay &disp1, CImgDisplay &disp2, CImgDisplay &disp3, CImgDisplay &disp4, CImgDisplay &disp5, CImgDisplay &disp6, CImgDisplay &disp7, CImgDisplay &disp8)
 Wait for any event occurring either on the display disp1, disp2, disp3, disp4, ... disp8.
static void wait (CImgDisplay &disp1, CImgDisplay &disp2, CImgDisplay &disp3, CImgDisplay &disp4, CImgDisplay &disp5, CImgDisplay &disp6, CImgDisplay &disp7, CImgDisplay &disp8, CImgDisplay &disp9)
 Wait for any event occurring either on the display disp1, disp2, disp3, disp4, ... disp9.
static void wait (CImgDisplay &disp1, CImgDisplay &disp2, CImgDisplay &disp3, CImgDisplay &disp4, CImgDisplay &disp5, CImgDisplay &disp6, CImgDisplay &disp7, CImgDisplay &disp8, CImgDisplay &disp9, CImgDisplay &disp10)
 Wait for any event occurring either on the display disp1, disp2, disp3, disp4, ... disp10.
static void wait_all ()
 Wait for any window event occurring in any opened CImgDisplay.
template<typename T >
static void screenshot (const int x0, const int y0, const int x1, const int y1, CImg< T > &img)
 Take a snapshot of the current screen content. More...

Detailed Description

Allow the creation of windows, display images on them and manage user events (keyboard, mouse and windows events).

CImgDisplay methods rely on a low-level graphic library to perform: it can be either X-Window (X11, for Unix-based systems) or GDI32 (for Windows-based systems). If both libraries are missing, CImgDisplay will not be able to display images on screen, and will enter a minimal mode where warning messages will be outputted each time the program is trying to call one of the CImgDisplay method.

The configuration variable cimg_display tells about the graphic library used. It is set automatically by CImg when one of these graphic libraries has been detected. But, you can override its value if necessary. Valid choices are:

  • 0: Disable display capabilities.
  • 1: Use X-Window (X11) library.
  • 2: Use GDI32 library.

Remember to link your program against X11 or GDI32 libraries if you use CImgDisplay.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~CImgDisplay()


If the associated window is visible on the screen, it is closed by the call to the destructor.

◆ CImgDisplay() [1/5]

Construct an empty display.

Constructing an empty CImgDisplay instance does not make a window appearing on the screen, until display of valid data is performed.
CImgDisplay disp; // Does actually nothing
disp.display(img); // Construct new window and display image in it
Construct an empty display.
Definition: CImg.h:8321

◆ CImgDisplay() [2/5]

CImgDisplay ( const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const char *const  title = 0,
const unsigned int  normalization = 3,
const bool  is_fullscreen = false,
const bool  is_closed = false 

Construct a display with specified dimensions.

widthWindow width.
heightWindow height.
titleWindow title.
normalizationNormalization type (0=none, 1=always, 2=once, 3=pixel type-dependent, see normalization()).
is_fullscreenTells if fullscreen mode is enabled.
is_closedTells if associated window is initially visible or not.
A black background is initially displayed on the associated window.

◆ CImgDisplay() [3/5]

CImgDisplay ( const CImg< T > &  img,
const char *const  title = 0,
const unsigned int  normalization = 3,
const bool  is_fullscreen = false,
const bool  is_closed = false 

Construct a display from an image.

imgImage used as a model to create the window.
titleWindow title.
normalizationNormalization type (0=none, 1=always, 2=once, 3=pixel type-dependent, see normalization()).
is_fullscreenTells if fullscreen mode is enabled.
is_closedTells if associated window is initially visible or not.
The pixels of the input image are initially displayed on the associated window.

◆ CImgDisplay() [4/5]

CImgDisplay ( const CImgList< T > &  list,
const char *const  title = 0,
const unsigned int  normalization = 3,
const bool  is_fullscreen = false,
const bool  is_closed = false 

Construct a display from an image list.

listThe images list to display.
titleWindow title.
normalizationNormalization type (0=none, 1=always, 2=once, 3=pixel type-dependent, see normalization()).
is_fullscreenTells if fullscreen mode is enabled.
is_closedTells if associated window is initially visible or not.
All images of the list, appended along the X-axis, are initially displayed on the associated window.

◆ CImgDisplay() [5/5]

CImgDisplay ( const CImgDisplay disp)

Construct a display as a copy of an existing one.

dispDisplay instance to copy.
The pixel buffer of the input window is initially displayed on the associated window.

Member Function Documentation

◆ screenshot() [1/2]

static void screenshot ( CImg< T > &  img)

Take a screenshot.

[out]imgOutput screenshot. Can be empty on input

◆ assign()

CImgDisplay& assign ( )

Destructor - Empty constructor [in-place version].

Replace the current instance by an empty display.

◆ empty()

static CImgDisplay& empty ( )

Return a reference to an empty display.

Can be useful for writing function prototypes where one of the argument (of type CImgDisplay&) must have a default value.
void foo(CImgDisplay& disp=CImgDisplay::empty());
static CImgDisplay & empty()
Return a reference to an empty display.
Definition: CImg.h:8502

◆ operator=() [1/3]

CImgDisplay& operator= ( const CImg< t > &  img)

Display image on associated window.

disp = img is equivalent to disp.display(img).

◆ operator=() [2/3]

CImgDisplay& operator= ( const CImgList< t > &  list)

Display list of images on associated window.

disp = list is equivalent to disp.display(list).

◆ operator=() [3/3]

CImgDisplay& operator= ( const CImgDisplay disp)

Construct a display as a copy of another one [in-place version].

Equivalent to assign(const CImgDisplay&).

◆ operator bool()

operator bool ( ) const

Return false if display is empty, true otherwise.

if (disp) { ... } is equivalent to if (!disp.is_empty()) { ... }.

◆ is_closed()

bool is_closed ( ) const

Return true if display is closed (i.e. not visible on the screen), false otherwise.

  • When a user physically closes the associated window, the display is set to closed.
  • A closed display is not destroyed. Its associated window can be show again on the screen using show().

◆ is_key() [1/3]

bool is_key ( ) const

Return true if any key is being pressed on the associated window, false otherwise.

The methods below do the same only for specific keys.

◆ is_key() [2/3]

bool is_key ( const unsigned int  keycode) const

Return true if key specified by given keycode is being pressed on the associated window, false otherwise.

keycodeKeycode to test.
Keycode constants are defined in the cimg namespace and are architecture-dependent. Use them to ensure your code stay portable (see cimg::keyESC).
CImgDisplay disp(400,400);
while (!disp.is_closed()) {
if (disp.key(cimg::keyTAB)) { ... } // Equivalent to 'if (disp.is_keyTAB())'
const unsigned int keyTAB
Keycode for the TAB key (architecture-dependent)
Definition: CImg.h:3567

◆ is_key() [3/3]

bool& is_key ( const char *const  keycode)

Return true if key specified by given keycode is being pressed on the associated window, false otherwise.

keycodeC-string containing the keycode label of the key to test.
Use it when the key you want to test can be dynamically set by the user.
CImgDisplay disp(400,400);
const char *const keycode = "TAB";
while (!disp.is_closed()) {
if (disp.is_key(keycode)) { ... } // Equivalent to 'if (disp.is_keyTAB())'
static unsigned int keycode(const char *const keycode)
Return keycode corresponding to the specified string.
Definition: CImg.h:9072

◆ is_key_sequence()

bool is_key_sequence ( const unsigned int *const  keycodes_sequence,
const unsigned int  length,
const bool  remove_sequence = false 

Return true if specified key sequence has been typed on the associated window, false otherwise.

keycodes_sequenceBuffer of keycodes to test.
lengthNumber of keys in the keycodes_sequence buffer.
remove_sequenceTells if the key sequence must be removed from the key history, if found.
Keycode constants are defined in the cimg namespace and are architecture-dependent. Use them to ensure your code stay portable (see cimg::keyESC).
CImgDisplay disp(400,400);
const unsigned int key_seq[] = { cimg::keyCTRLLEFT, cimg::keyD };
while (!disp.is_closed()) {
if (disp.is_key_sequence(key_seq,2)) { ... } // Test for the 'CTRL+D' keyboard event
const unsigned int keyD
Keycode for the D key (architecture-dependent)
Definition: CImg.h:3584
const unsigned int keyCTRLLEFT
Keycode for the CTRLLEFT key (architecture-dependent)
Definition: CImg.h:3602

◆ is_keyESC()

bool is_keyESC ( ) const

Return true if the ESC key is being pressed on the associated window, false otherwise.

Similar methods exist for all keys managed by CImg (see cimg::keyESC).

◆ width()

int width ( ) const

Return display width.

The width of the display (i.e. the width of the pixel data buffer associated to the CImgDisplay instance) may be different from the actual width of the associated window.

◆ height()

int height ( ) const

Return display height.

The height of the display (i.e. the height of the pixel data buffer associated to the CImgDisplay instance) may be different from the actual height of the associated window.

◆ normalization()

unsigned int normalization ( ) const

Return normalization type of the display.

The normalization type tells about how the values of an input image are normalized by the CImgDisplay to be correctly displayed. The range of values for pixels displayed on screen is [0,255]. If the range of values of the data to display is different, a normalization may be required for displaying the data in a correct way. The normalization type can be one of:

  • 0: Value normalization is disabled. It is then assumed that all input data to be displayed by the CImgDisplay instance have values in range [0,255].
  • 1: Value normalization is always performed (this is the default behavior). Before displaying an input image, its values will be (virtually) stretched in range [0,255], so that the contrast of the displayed pixels will be maximum. Use this mode for images whose minimum and maximum values are not prescribed to known values (e.g. float-valued images). Note that when normalized versions of images are computed for display purposes, the actual values of these images are not modified.
  • 2: Value normalization is performed once (on the first image display), then the same normalization coefficients are kept for next displayed frames.
  • 3: Value normalization depends on the pixel type of the data to display. For integer pixel types, the normalization is done regarding the minimum/maximum values of the type (no normalization occurs then for unsigned char). For float-valued pixel types, the normalization is done regarding the minimum/maximum value of the image data instead.

◆ title()

const char* title ( ) const

Return title of the associated window as a C-string.

Window title may be not visible, depending on the used window manager or if the current display is in fullscreen mode.

◆ window_width()

int window_width ( ) const

Return width of the associated window.

The width of the display (i.e. the width of the pixel data buffer associated to the CImgDisplay instance) may be different from the actual width of the associated window.

◆ window_height()

int window_height ( ) const

Return height of the associated window.

The height of the display (i.e. the height of the pixel data buffer associated to the CImgDisplay instance) may be different from the actual height of the associated window.

◆ window_x()

int window_x ( ) const

Return X-coordinate of the associated window.

The returned coordinate corresponds to the location of the upper-left corner of the associated window.

◆ window_y()

int window_y ( ) const

Return Y-coordinate of the associated window.

The returned coordinate corresponds to the location of the upper-left corner of the associated window.

◆ mouse_x()

int mouse_x ( ) const

Return X-coordinate of the mouse pointer.

  • If the mouse pointer is outside window area, -1 is returned.
  • Otherwise, the returned value is in the range [0,width()-1].

◆ mouse_y()

int mouse_y ( ) const

Return Y-coordinate of the mouse pointer.

  • If the mouse pointer is outside window area, -1 is returned.
  • Otherwise, the returned value is in the range [0,height()-1].

◆ button()

unsigned int button ( ) const

Return current state of the mouse buttons.

Three mouse buttons can be managed. If one button is pressed, its corresponding bit in the returned value is set:
  • bit 0 (value 0x1): State of the left mouse button.
  • bit 1 (value 0x2): State of the right mouse button.
  • bit 2 (value 0x4): State of the middle mouse button.

Several bits can be activated if more than one button are pressed at the same time.

CImgDisplay disp(400,400);
while (!disp.is_closed()) {
if (disp.button()&1) { // Left button clicked
if (disp.button()&2) { // Right button clicked
if (disp.button()&4) { // Middle button clicked

◆ wheel()

int wheel ( ) const

Return current state of the mouse wheel.

  • The returned value can be positive or negative depending on whether the mouse wheel has been scrolled forward or backward.
  • Scrolling the wheel forward add 1 to the wheel value.
  • Scrolling the wheel backward subtract 1 to the wheel value.
  • The returned value cumulates the number of forward of backward scrolls since the creation of the display, or since the last reset of the wheel value (using set_wheel()). It is strongly recommended to quickly reset the wheel counter when an action has been performed regarding the current wheel value. Otherwise, the returned wheel value may be for instance 0 despite the fact that many scrolls have been done (as many in forward as in backward directions).
CImgDisplay disp(400,400);
while (!disp.is_closed()) {
if (disp.wheel()) {
int counter = disp.wheel(); // Read the state of the mouse wheel
... // Do what you want with 'counter'
disp.set_wheel(); // Reset the wheel value to 0

◆ key()

unsigned int& key ( const unsigned int  pos = 0) const

Return one entry from the pressed keys history.

posIndex to read from the pressed keys history (index 0 corresponds to latest entry).
Keycode of a pressed key or 0 for a released key.
  • Each CImgDisplay stores a history of the pressed keys in a buffer of size 128. When a new key is pressed, its keycode is stored in the pressed keys history. When a key is released, 0 is put instead. This means that up to the 64 last pressed keys may be read from the pressed keys history. When a new value is stored, the pressed keys history is shifted so that the latest entry is always stored at position 0.
  • Keycode constants are defined in the cimg namespace and are architecture-dependent. Use them to ensure your code stay portable (see cimg::keyESC).

◆ released_key()

unsigned int& released_key ( const unsigned int  pos = 0) const

Return one entry from the released keys history.

posIndex to read from the released keys history (index 0 corresponds to latest entry).
Keycode of a released key or 0 for a pressed key.
  • Each CImgDisplay stores a history of the released keys in a buffer of size 128. When a new key is released, its keycode is stored in the pressed keys history. When a key is pressed, 0 is put instead. This means that up to the 64 last released keys may be read from the released keys history. When a new value is stored, the released keys history is shifted so that the latest entry is always stored at position 0.
  • Keycode constants are defined in the cimg namespace and are architecture-dependent. Use them to ensure your code stay portable (see cimg::keyESC).

◆ keycode()

static unsigned int keycode ( const char *const  keycode)

Return keycode corresponding to the specified string.

Keycode constants are defined in the cimg namespace and are architecture-dependent. Use them to ensure your code stay portable (see cimg::keyESC).
const unsigned int keyTAB = CImgDisplay::keycode("TAB"); // Return cimg::keyTAB

◆ frames_per_second()

float frames_per_second ( )

Return the current refresh rate, in frames per second.

Returns a significant value when the current instance is used to display successive frames. It measures the delay between successive calls to frames_per_second().

◆ display() [1/2]

CImgDisplay& display ( const CImg< T > &  img)

Display image on associated window.

imgInput image to display.
This method returns immediately.

◆ display() [2/2]

CImgDisplay& display ( const CImgList< T > &  list,
const char  axis = 'x',
const float  align = 0 

Display list of images on associated window.

listList of images to display.
axisAxis used to append the images along, for the visualization (can be x, y, z or c).
alignRelative position of aligned images when displaying lists with images of different sizes (0 for upper-left, 0.5 for centering and 1 for lower-right).
This method returns immediately.

◆ show()

CImgDisplay& show ( )

Show (closed) associated window on the screen.

  • Force the associated window of a display to be visible on the screen, even if it has been closed before.
  • Using show() on a visible display does nothing.

◆ close()

CImgDisplay& close ( )

Close (visible) associated window and make it disappear from the screen.

  • A closed display only means the associated window is not visible anymore. This does not mean the display has been destroyed. Use show() to make the associated window reappear.
  • Using close() on a closed display does nothing.

◆ move()

CImgDisplay& move ( const int  pos_x,
const int  pos_y 

Move associated window to a new location.

pos_xX-coordinate of the new window location.
pos_yY-coordinate of the new window location.
Depending on the window manager behavior, this method may not succeed (no exceptions are thrown nevertheless).

◆ resize() [1/4]

CImgDisplay& resize ( const bool  force_redraw = true)

Resize display to the size of the associated window.

force_redrawTells if the previous window content must be updated and refreshed as well.

◆ resize() [2/4]

CImgDisplay& resize ( const int  width,
const int  height,
const bool  force_redraw = true 

Resize display to the specified size.

widthRequested display width.
heightRequested display height.
force_redrawTells if the previous window content must be updated and refreshed as well.
The associated window is also resized to specified dimensions.

◆ resize() [3/4]

CImgDisplay& resize ( const CImg< T > &  img,
const bool  force_redraw = true 

Resize display to the size of an input image.

imgInput image to take size from.
force_redrawTells if the previous window content must be resized and updated as well.
  • Calling this method ensures that width() and img.width() become equal, as well as height() and img.height().
  • The associated window is also resized to specified dimensions.

◆ resize() [4/4]

CImgDisplay& resize ( const CImgDisplay disp,
const bool  force_redraw = true 

Resize display to the size of another CImgDisplay instance.

dispInput display to take size from.
force_redrawTells if the previous window content must be resized and updated as well.
  • Calling this method ensures that width() and disp.width() become equal, as well as height() and disp.height().
  • The associated window is also resized to specified dimensions.

◆ set_normalization()

CImgDisplay& set_normalization ( const unsigned int  normalization)

Set normalization type.

normalizationNew normalization mode.

◆ set_title()

CImgDisplay& set_title ( const char *const  format,

Set title of the associated window.

formatC-string containing the format of the title, as with std::printf().
As the first argument is a format string, it is highly recommended to write
instead of
if window_title can be arbitrary, to prevent nasty memory access.

◆ set_fullscreen()

CImgDisplay& set_fullscreen ( const bool  is_fullscreen,
const bool  force_redraw = true 

Enable or disable fullscreen mode.

is_fullscreenTells is the fullscreen mode must be activated or not.
force_redrawTells if the previous window content must be displayed as well.
  • When the fullscreen mode is enabled, the associated window fills the entire screen but the size of the current display is not modified.
  • The screen resolution may be switched to fit the associated window size and ensure it appears the largest as possible. For X-Window (X11) users, the configuration flag cimg_use_xrandr has to be set to allow the screen resolution change (requires the X11 extensions to be enabled).

◆ toggle_fullscreen()

CImgDisplay& toggle_fullscreen ( const bool  force_redraw = true)

Toggle fullscreen mode.

force_redrawTells if the previous window content must be displayed as well.
Enable fullscreen mode if it was not enabled, and disable it otherwise.

◆ show_mouse()

CImgDisplay& show_mouse ( )

Show mouse pointer.

Depending on the window manager behavior, this method may not succeed (no exceptions are thrown nevertheless).

◆ hide_mouse()

CImgDisplay& hide_mouse ( )

Hide mouse pointer.

Depending on the window manager behavior, this method may not succeed (no exceptions are thrown nevertheless).

◆ set_mouse()

CImgDisplay& set_mouse ( const int  pos_x,
const int  pos_y 

Move mouse pointer to a specified location.

Depending on the window manager behavior, this method may not succeed (no exceptions are thrown nevertheless).

◆ set_button() [1/2]

CImgDisplay& set_button ( )

Simulate a mouse button release event.

All mouse buttons are considered released at the same time.

◆ set_button() [2/2]

CImgDisplay& set_button ( const unsigned int  button,
const bool  is_pressed = true 

Simulate a mouse button press or release event.

buttonButtons event code, where each button is associated to a single bit.
is_pressedTells if the mouse button is considered as pressed or released.

◆ set_wheel() [1/2]

CImgDisplay& set_wheel ( )

Flush all mouse wheel events.

Make wheel() to return 0, if called afterwards.

◆ set_wheel() [2/2]

CImgDisplay& set_wheel ( const int  amplitude)

Simulate a wheel event.

amplitudeAmplitude of the wheel scrolling to simulate.
Make wheel() to return amplitude, if called afterwards.

◆ set_key() [1/2]

CImgDisplay& set_key ( )

Flush all key events.

Make key() to return 0, if called afterwards.

◆ set_key() [2/2]

CImgDisplay& set_key ( const unsigned int  keycode,
const bool  is_pressed = true 

Simulate a keyboard press/release event.

keycodeKeycode of the associated key.
is_pressedTells if the key is considered as pressed or released.
Keycode constants are defined in the cimg namespace and are architecture-dependent. Use them to ensure your code stay portable (see cimg::keyESC).

◆ flush()

CImgDisplay& flush ( )

Flush all display events.

Remove all passed events from the current display.

◆ wait()

CImgDisplay& wait ( const unsigned int  milliseconds)

Wait for a given number of milliseconds since the last call to wait().

millisecondsNumber of milliseconds to wait for.
Similar to cimg::wait().

◆ render()

CImgDisplay& render ( const CImg< T > &  img)

Render image into internal display buffer.

imgInput image data to render.
  • Convert image data representation into the internal display buffer (architecture-dependent structure).
  • The content of the associated window is not modified, until paint() is called.
  • Should not be used for common CImgDisplay uses, since display() is more useful.

◆ paint()

CImgDisplay& paint ( )

Paint internal display buffer on associated window.

  • Update the content of the associated window with the internal display buffer, e.g. after a render() call.
  • Should not be used for common CImgDisplay uses, since display() is more useful.

◆ screenshot() [2/2]

static void screenshot ( const int  x0,
const int  y0,
const int  x1,
const int  y1,
CImg< T > &  img 

Take a snapshot of the current screen content.

x0X-coordinate of the upper left corner.
y0Y-coordinate of the upper left corner.
x1X-coordinate of the lower right corner.
y1Y-coordinate of the lower right corner.
[out]imgOutput screenshot. Can be empty on input

◆ snapshot()

const CImgDisplay& snapshot ( CImg< T > &  img) const

Take a snapshot of the associated window content.

[out]imgOutput snapshot. Can be empty on input.

Copyrights (C) From october 2004, David Tschumperlé - GREYC UMR CNRS 6072, Image team.
Copyrights (C) January->September 2004, David Tschumperlé.
Copyrights (C) 2000->2003, David Tschumperlé - INRIA Sophia-Antipolis. Odyssée group.